Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A quick thought on adult life...

So its been a nice long minute since I've updated ....its been a long haul this year with a summer that's been both eventful and coupled with some harsh realizations. Starting right at the top....being a consenting adult comes with consenting adult decisions ....and most of them suck. Also you hit that point in life that your parents warned you about.........but you didn't listen. And because you didn't listen...alllllll of those things you thought didn't matter come to fruition....and they compile and suffocate you!... tragic huh...
That's where I am right now and its quite terrible...but times like this are implemented in ones life to show internal strength and in the long run to show that there isn't any mountain too big to overcome... I think the biggest thing I've learned in the current year is that shit is's really real...and the 24 hours we get a day are blessings that need to be used to the fullest....when you let your problems last a day longer they only get a day larger.......maybe I should write that down....okay I'm going back to work...
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