Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Morning Gripe (8/18)

My People...

This is something that i think about daily.. and its most keen when i watch the news in the evenings.. the current state of my African American communities. It saddens me to see that the only time we decide to unite, stand up, be vibrant and glorify a reform is in the face of absolute tragedy. It really seems as though there MUST be a community rattling murder for our people to decide to wake up and do---no, scratch that BE better people. Within the last couple weeks I've seen and heard about some of the most heinous crimes to our people committed by OUR PEOPLE, and the community "leaders" decide to show face and use the rinse and repeat tactic of stopping the violence and rectifying the cancers that are destroying our innocent youth---blah blah blah... my issue with this is that the commitment to change is never constant.. there's never the stable feeling that we, as a whole community, are gaining ground and pushing in the right direction. Instead we have these isolated clusters of activism (once or twice a week seems to be the going rate), then we go back the same stagnant behaviour that allows tragedy to strike in the first place. This whole "it doesn't matter until it happens to me" mentality has got to stop, and until it does and this cycle WILL continue. Personally, --and as much as i'd love to be wrong on this--, i really dont think we have the willpower and capacity as a whole to take a stand against the tragidies in our communities. Why do i feel this way?.. well its simple.. unless something happens in our immediate family or vicinity we tend to turn the other cheek and lack that same compassion to undo the plight in the community.. instead we shake our head and go on about our day... thats not to say that im any better... im guilty of it too-- and thats my morning gripe.