Tuesday, January 19, 2010

web (that I currently know of) other than google reader and 'Snaptu's mobile RSS feeds... So we'll see how this works out

Just a test.... I'm wondering if this blogger mobile thing would would be very very nice to use since I really can't access my blog via mobile

Friday, January 15, 2010


wow--- she went IN... everybody has their limits though... i never heard about this call to 911

The FUCK You mean i broke it?!!?....

being without a phone sucks.... you know it... i know it.. its something we can all attest to because we cram our lives into smartphones and now androids... they are the most frustratingly necessary evil that we take for granted til' SOMETHING goes outta wack... i spoke on my pregnant battery in an earlier post but apparently that was just the beginning...

up until Monday of this week i had been without a phone for about 6 weeks or so because the USB/charger port on my Blackberry broke... it detached from the molding INSIDE the phone--- both RIM and T-Mobile blamed it on me like i took the damn phone apart and decided to wiggle some shit... didn't have the money to order another phone thats when i came across the cradle for the blackberry...

...and i thought "hale-glory thank you Jesus" because my problem would be solved in a matter of days... so i rush to and put in my $7.32 order with Bargain Cell... KNOWING that in 3-5 business days i would have a phone again... or maybe what the feezie?! so I e-mail them and they tell me to call.. i call the company and they tell me they'll call me back.. wha-what? um... okay?... so this lady calls me back at around 10:30pm as im getting ready to go out and tells me i need to wait til AFTER Christmas before they could send me a replacement... i went to the post office--and NOTHING... even though the online tracking information said that the item was 'delivered' so i called and called Bargain Cell like i was lookin for child support and they were ducking my emails and phone calls at this point... but eventually i got someone to send another one---anxiously tearing through the mail looking for that tiny stand of silver...and then one Glorious day 4-6 weeks later i orgasmic-ally open the package to resuscitate my phone and bring it back to LIFE!

mmm...mmmm---- welcome back, my mp3 player, connection to social media, phone book, alarm clock, and a plethora of other technological stimulants.. . .... ... .. .

somebody get me a towel...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

One-6 Two-7 :The Beginning

When is enough, enough?" when do the lines of 'preparation' end and 'fear' begin...where does the line of 'good reason' end... and 'excuses' begin... does age truly brand 'wisdom' or is it solidified ignorance? When religion is not used to uplift, comfort, and educate but rather to attack and glorify ones self... are you really upholding Gods will in the highest?...All of these things comprise the very fabric of One-6 Two-7; whether or not its admitted by those that inhabit it. Adults, still living by teenage 'rules'...still under their mothers roof and still living with teenage mentalities and completely okay with it. but Age has set in... and as adults Everyone wants to speak... but no one wants to listen... Allow me introduce some of them:

**Cookie** ...a woman that has had her fair share of ups and downs a strong-minded, independent and an almost domineering woman The 'big dick' and pants-wearer of One-6 Two-7 if you decision nor situation doesn't cross Cookies palette... and its quite obvious that shes been in a position of power-- and has inflicted her thoughts and ideas on those around her... Blessed, Strengthened through the Word, Spirit, and Power of Christ.. Cookie has quite the buffet of experience both Spiritual and Professional.. but theres a problem... Cookie doesn't know how to A. listen and comfort and B. be wrong.

**Tech** savvy, so smooth, athletic, talented, geeky but oh so cool... Tech is the man! when it comes to health, grooming, current events and technology this is your guy... got a problem? Tech NEEDS to be on your speed dial... unfortunately Tech wears himself thin in the background from fear of disruption and casting his own light... at One-6 Two-7 he plays second fiddle to Cookie and little does he know... he falls in line to what she says just like everyone else with no resistance... Handsome? Hell yea.. Good Job, Own Car?.. HELL YeaH! A God-Fearing man? Hell YEA.. Heart of Gold? HELL yea.. No Kids? HELL YEA! A man thats never attempted to move on his own because he says he 'isn't ready' but the truth is that hes ridden with fear and has settled under his mothers roof happily with no intent to leave? Helllll Ye-----Wait WHAT?!!?...

**Mac** oft unsung hero-- whose past precedes him... spun out of control by narcotics..his good decisions now are disregarded by those that have brought him to the position hes in now... and hes rewarded for his attempts at good deeds by having to 'sneak a beer' or being chastised for smokin' a square.. cooks and cleans (though not the cleanest) cares for 'Kiwi' and fills in those household gaps day in and day out...sadly he cant get out and stay out--- DAMN that revolving door theory...

**CJ** ... the village hard-ass... this smart-mouthed and cold-hearted war veteran is one that believes 'if you need it... take it' as long as it applies to him (or he gets his cut) ...borderline senior citizen when beneficial, but apparently enough 'juice' in the youth tank to bring a now one year old baby into the a woman that has lost all her kids to 'the system', got pregnant again AFTER CJ and jumped states... i thought age brought wisdom?......... smart man...

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Welcome to 2010...My Blessings go out to all on this New many others i have a good feeling about this year and hope nothing but the best to everyone mentally... physically and spiritually... its a fresh slate people... make the most of it... Rock On!
