Thursday, December 31, 2009

Long Way Down..... (Pt. II)

June----the year half over but the hits just came on coming around this time...after the fire and the fact that i had to leave my new place....a couple weeks later i was on the southside of Chicago on my way to a party---and right around car engine locks up as im driving and i can do nothing about it at all but pray i can come to a safe stop.....later on i found that it would cost more to repair than i was willing to shell out---not only did i lose my car my the loss of my car caused me to lose both jobs i had at the time

July, August, September-- The summer was the most depressing summer after the happenings in June---all i remember was randomly drinking....and sitting in the house....not really wanting to eat nor get out the bed---i dislocated my kneecap this past summer too and just didnt care--- all this time ran together...i went back to class and didnt really care about that was quite the struggle to find the will to do anything anymore...i just kept to myself while some of my friendships deteriorated...

October--- my 23rd birthday-- those that are close to me refused to let me stay inside with my lackluster dream deferred attitude... that was about all that happened for my 'Jordan' birthday-- let hope 24 rocks

November, December-- the holidays rolled around-- still struggling to find a job... and stressed about Christmas... stressed about how to improve.. but someone infected my life to convince me that things aren't all bad... and that its okay to let my guard down... and i trusted her enough to do just that... its one of few decisions that felt right and made me happy... a good way to end the year with some of my strength returning after such a dismal year... i look forward to what the future has in store for US... battered and broken but still not yet defeated... I keep ticking and coming back--- Rock On!